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liangelo ball

  1. as seen on tv

    Trump racism on display: He “saves” 3 black UCLA players, throws Bergdahl to the wolves

    (why are all the "victims" in Locked Up Abroad white?) https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-hopes-swift-return-ucla-players-detained-china-095653001--spt.html (Full disclosure – I’m NOT trying to conflate Lil Angelo Ball & Friends’ Chinese shop-lifting spree with Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion to...
  2. as seen on tv

    Sharing American cultural values with China – NCAA basketball style!

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2017/11/07/liangelo-ball-and-two-other-ucla-players-reportedly-arrested-in-china-for-shoplifting/?utm_term=.e3e954b1cde8 “Whoa . . . you can get arrested for shoplifting in Japan? WTF? Let me go please. I promise NEVER to do it again” I'm...