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antipathy towards blacks


Council Member
1. And Asians can't get jobs in your area? Or what is your point?
2. Not sure what insult was made but insulting a race of people is not becoming in an elected official.
3. You do blame Blacks for things. You do it right in this post.
4. Black people are almost 70% more likely to be unemployed

Blacks hold 6.7% of management jobs although they are 12.6% of the population.

White males hold 74.4%, although we are 31% of the population.

Note that I have links whereas you have absurd numbers that you made up.
1) Asians own more businesses in this county than do whites

2) Insulting a single person is not insulting a race. You really do have a race problem, don't you?

3) Again, lying about me is insulting... no I don't blame blacks. I blame their leadership

4) You're going to use a government website to tell us about unemployment when they admit their figures are skewed. When people run out of unemployment millions are giving up and no longer counted

5) I haven't "made anything up. You have. On a good day, your figures wouldn't hold water with even a 5th grader.

Your figures leave out the fact that many American companies are now owned by Americans. They're owned by Chinese!

Of course Japanese companies have a lot of the corporate pie; places like Aldi and DHL are German. Let's factor them in there. Apparently, if your figures are correct, the foreign companies must hire whites disproportionately. If the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are hiring other than blacks, maybe the problem is not with the whites.


The War of the Roses

Like so many of your self-contradictions, you're not class-conscious at all. If you were, you'd immediately see that Leftists are the children of the ruling class. So it's a palace revolution, this one using the untamed-savage minorities against Whites born in the working class. This is a dynastic struggle, using both sides' supporters as cannon fodder. Vietnam was designed to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest of the working class by tricking us into falsely identify the rulers' Preppy anti-GI protesters as anti-Conservative, thus dying to take a rich kid's place in a war against the United Preppies worst class enemy.
In what sense are the outstanding leftist leaders of the 20th century in the U.S. (Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, James P. Cannon, Farrell Dobbs, Malcolm X, etc.) the "children of the ruling class"?

Aren't white workers, by virtue of their racial privilege, closer to the ruling class materially and in their consciousness than the workers you call " untamed-savage minorities" in furtherance of a classic divide-and-conquer strategy?

Wasn't the chief target of the Vietnam War the working-class revolution in Vietnam and the fear it would spread? Weren't opponents of the U.S.'s war doing their best to put a stop to the slaughter? Finally, weren't ruling-class liberals such as Humphrey pretty much unanimously for the war until it had become crystal-clear that the war effort was lost due to grassroots opposition to the war led by the working class?


1) Asians own more businesses in this county than do whites

2) Insulting a single person is not insulting a race. You really do have a race problem, don't you?

3) Again, lying about me is insulting... no I don't blame blacks. I blame their leadership

4) You're going to use a government website to tell us about unemployment when they admit their figures are skewed. When people run out of unemployment millions are giving up and no longer counted

5) I haven't "made anything up. You have. On a good day, your figures wouldn't hold water with even a 5th grader.

Your figures leave out the fact that many American companies are now owned by Americans. They're owned by Chinese!

Of course Japanese companies have a lot of the corporate pie; places like Aldi and DHL are German. Let's factor them in there. Apparently, if your figures are correct, the foreign companies must hire whites disproportionately. If the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are hiring other than blacks, maybe the problem is not with the whites.
1. False. Over 70% are white-owned.

2. Again, I don't know what your county commissioner said, but I haven't heard of anyone being forced to design anywhere in the U.S. for insulting a single individual, as opposed to attacking an individual because of that individual's race.

3. The post is still up there and I stand by my assessment.

4. And that's as true of Blacks as of whites. Whites have a higher labor force participation rate, they are more likely to receive job offers (in fact, white felons are more likely to receive job offers than identically-qualified Blacks without criminal records) in direct head-to-head comparisons ... your only option is to impugn ALL the data because none of it says what you want to hear.

5. My figures have links. Again, you come up with spurious reasons to dismiss them while providing no links to quantitative data ... just to things like this headline in a ruling-class mputhpiece, based on impressionistic "synthesis" of random data points like Chinese capitalists' buying up a company called "Starwood Hotels" ... which would be the biggest company purchased by Chinese interests in U.S. history and I've never even heard of it.

No one is saying discrimination against Blacks is because whites are bad, though. The point is that the U.S's capitalist system systematically reproduces a racial hierarchy in which whites are at the top and Blacks are below, because this allows the capitalists to break the unions by undercutting workers' solidarity. It doesn't matter if the individual investors are white Americans, Black Americans, or Japanese or Chinese nationals ... the only color the capitalists really know is green ... and as long as racism means moreoney in their pockets, they'll continue to foster it.


Council Member
1. False. Over 70% are white-owned.

2. Again, I don't know what your county commissioner said, but I haven't heard of anyone being forced to design anywhere in the U.S. for insulting a single individual, as opposed to attacking an individual because of that individual's race.

3. The post is still up there and I stand by my assessment.

4. And that's as true of Blacks as of whites. Whites have a higher labor force participation rate, they are more likely to receive job offers (in fact, white felons are more likely to receive job offers than identically-qualified Blacks without criminal records) in direct head-to-head comparisons ... your only option is to impugn ALL the data because none of it says what you want to hear.

5. My figures have links. Again, you come up with spurious reasons to dismiss them while providing no links to quantitative data ... just to things like this headline in a ruling-class mputhpiece, based on impressionistic "synthesis" of random data points like Chinese capitalists' buying up a company called "Starwood Hotels" ... which would be the biggest company purchased by Chinese interests in U.S. history and I've never even heard of it.

No one is saying discrimination against Blacks is because whites are bad, though. The point is that the U.S's capitalist system systematically reproduces a racial hierarchy in which whites are at the top and Blacks are below, because this allows the capitalists to break the unions by undercutting workers' solidarity. It doesn't matter if the individual investors are white Americans, Black Americans, or Japanese or Chinese nationals ... the only color the capitalists really know is green ... and as long as racism means moreoney in their pockets, they'll continue to foster it.
I'm going to repeat that, with the use of statistics, one may prove just about anything. Now, I can to most any large town and see, for myself, who runs what. You quote the number of businesses to prove a point. The more accurate assessment is to notice that big corporations hire more people of color. There may very well be more white businesses that non-white.

Today, with corporations being owned by white and foreigners, it is impossible to definitively say X number are white businesses.

You can argue with me all day long, but I live in a place that, in 1980, was 83 percent white (according to the Census Bureau.) When new residents come in here, they are foreign and they are black. Today the whites are about 60 percent of the county's residents. The money coming in and the people are nonwhite.

I don't know where we are going with this. I can say that in this regard is:

"As soon as it is admitted that the whites and the emancipated blacks are placed upon the same territory in the situation of two alien communities, it will readily be understood that there are but two alternatives for the future; the negroes and the whites must either wholly part or wholly mingle. I have already expressed the conviction which I entertain as to the latter event. I do not imagine that the white and black races will ever live in any country upon an equal footing. But I believe the difficulty to be still greater in the United States than elsewhere. An isolated individual may surmount the prejudices of religion, of his country, or of his race, and if this individual is a king he may effect surprising changes in society; but a whole people cannot rise, as it were, above itself. A despot who should subject the Americans and their former slaves to the same yoke, might perhaps succeed in commingling their races; but as long as the American democracy remains at the head of affairs, no one will undertake so difficult a task; and it may be foreseen that the freer the white population of the United States becomes, the more isolated will it remain." Alexis De Tocqueville

That quote has to be at least 150 years old. You and I are still arguing the point.

From my perspective, the blacks will always blame slavery for their lot in life. They weren't the only slaves. They are just the only ones who could not rise above the past. They are never satisfied and they don't understand that America was founded as a Republic NOT a Democracy. Whites had rather be self sufficient and self reliant. Black people, on average, have been programmed to believe they should look to government for their daily bread.

The people from south of the border come here and utilize the opportunities a free market affords. They thrive - even without papers, a taxpayer funded education, or access to government handouts. Yet, in towns like Chicago and Atlanta, the black people kill each other wholesale. They live in squalor and filth AND the rich blacks don't bail them out by building up inner cities via investments.

That is the reality I see.


I'm going to repeat that, with the use of statistics, one may prove just about anything. Now, I can to most any large town and see, for myself, who runs what. You quote the number of businesses to prove a point. The more accurate assessment is to notice that big corporations hire more people of color. There may very well be more white businesses that non-white.

4% of Fortune 500 CEOs are people of color and 1% are Black. The survey showing that white applicants are more likely to get job interviews than identically - qualified Black applicants involved the top 50 companies in the country (by number of employees), and every one favored whites at the expense of Blacks.

When I debunk one lie, you come back with another, with cavalier disregard for determining the truth because you are ideologically committed to a view shaped by racial animus and not by the facts.

You can argue with me all day long, but I live in a place that, in 1980, was 83 percent white (according to the Census Bureau.) When new residents come in here, they are foreign and they are black. Today the whites are about 60 percent of the county's residents. The money coming in and the people are nonwhite.
Again, I don't know your local circumstances, but my guess is there's not much money coming in and that's why your area is becoming increasingly non-white. Blacks pay as much on average for housing as whites but consistently live in worse neighborhoods (for crime, pollution, healthy food availability, and access to education, health care, and transportation). Basically, when a neighborhood stops being overwhelmingly white (a status it had maintained via redlining reinforced by naked racist intimidation), it becomes increasingly neglected.


An isolated individual may surmount the prejudices of religion, of his country, or of his race, and if this individual is a king he may effect surprising changes in society; but a whole people cannot rise, as it were, above itself. A despot who should subject the Americans and their former slaves to the same yoke, might perhaps succeed in commingling their races; but as long as the American democracy remains at the head of affairs, no one will undertake so difficult a task; and it may be foreseen that the freer the white population of the United States becomes, the more isolated will it remain."
Cuba's dictatorship of the proletariat proves otherwise ... by becoming more democratic and freer, the Cuban majority gained the "despotic" power required to crush the forces of racist reaction, make race problems comparable to those of the U.S. a thing of the past, and expose racism's superficial appearance of popularity for the lie it is.

From my perspective, the blacks will always blame slavery for their lot in life.
If you're talking about the uneven playing field that exists today, slavery is a big part of the reason for it.

They weren't the only slaves. They are just the only ones who could not rise above the past.

They are never satisfied and they don't understand that America was founded as a Republic NOT a Democracy.
The legacy of slavery still seems to have a negative effect on, say, Native Americans today.

Never satisfied? To paraphrase Malcolm X, if you put a knife 9 inches into my back and take it out 6 inches, that isn't progress. Progress comes when you repair the injury you did.

Whites had rather be self sufficient and self reliant. Black people, on average, have been programmed to believe they should look to government for their daily bread.
80% of Black income in the U.S. comes from earnings (compared with 83% for whites). Less than 5% comes from government transfer programs.

The people from south of the border come here and utilize the opportunities a free market affords. They thrive - even without papers, a taxpayer funded education, or access to government handouts. Yet, in towns like Chicago and Atlanta, the black people kill each other wholesale. They live in squalor and filth AND the rich blacks don't bail them out by building up inner cities via investments.

That is the reality I see.
More divide-and-conquer race-baiting. Actually, the lowest-priced workers in the country are Latino immigrants. On the whole, Hispanic families only have 25% higher wealth and 4% higher income than Black families, and that's largely attributable to their families ' greater likelihood of including fathers (certainly a problem for which the Black community needs to take responsibility, and increasingly is, but also a symptom of slavery and its legacy).[/QUOTE]


Council Member

4% of Fortune 500 CEOs are people of color and 1% are Black. The survey showing that white applicants are more likely to get job interviews than identically - qualified Black applicants involved the top 50 companies in the country (by number of employees), and every one favored whites at the expense of Blacks.

When I debunk one lie, you come back with another, with cavalier disregard for determining the truth because you are ideologically committed to a view shaped by racial animus and not by the facts.

Again, I don't know your local circumstances, but my guess is there's not much money coming in and that's why your area is becoming increasingly non-white. Blacks pay as much on average for housing as whites but consistently live in worse neighborhoods (for crime, pollution, healthy food availability, and access to education, health care, and transportation). Basically, when a neighborhood stops being overwhelmingly white (a status it had maintained via redlining reinforced by naked racist intimidation), it becomes increasingly neglected.
Giving your opinion does not debunk the truth.

Calling me a liar does not bode well for any future discussion with you. That's a name you call people to their face, not anonymously on the Internet. It is a sign of weakness and cowardice.

You keep coming back to slavery, but dude for real. Black people need to come down off that cross. Builders need the wood. You're not the only race that has experienced slavery - as I told you, many people (including my own ancestors) experienced slavery for 400 years.

I'm not going to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man, so flame away. If you can't have a civil conversation, you don't deserve even this much of a response to your B.S.


Giving your opinion does not debunk the truth.

Calling me a liar does not bode well for any future discussion with you. That's a name you call people to their face, not anonymously on the Internet. It is a sign of weakness and cowardice.

You keep coming back to slavery, but dude for real. Black people need to come down off that cross. Builders need the wood. You're not the only race that has experienced slavery - as I told you, many people (including my own ancestors) experienced slavery for 400 years.

I'm not going to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man, so flame away. If you can't have a civil conversation, you don't deserve even this much of a response to your B.S.
I didn't mention slavery. I did--again--cite specific statistics, referenced to academic journals, government databases, and mainstream media, refuting your false claims.

Also, you seem to have assumed that I'm Black. Actually, I'm white, like you.
......shows up in polling results like this.

View attachment 34084

yes, the Trump voters have a "thing" about blacks.
But blacks aren't your average American. Look at your statistics of net worth, health, violence, STD's, education, promiscuity, criminality, most cultural indicators say that black culture is not average.

Furthermore, exercising a pseudo-science (fake science) in the hands of fake news like HuffPo discredits the results even more so.

If you're black, or a guilty white, HuffPo is catering to your hurts so that you can keep the little embers of resentment glowing by blowing on them.
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Council Member
I didn't mention slavery. I did--again--cite specific statistics, referenced to academic journals, government databases, and mainstream media, refuting your false claims.

Also, you seem to have assumed that I'm Black. Actually, I'm white, like you.
You made several posts. You keep claiming that I make false claims while patting yourself on the back for coming up with one sided B.S. that can be taken apart by a fifth grader. Dude, you're a legend in your own mind.

And white (sic)? Culturally you are not. BTW, I don't trust the mainstream media as my final argument... ditto for government sources. And academic journals?

Let me tell you a small secret: Every empire that ever fell was preceded by a mixing of cultures, races, religions, political persuasions, sexual orientations, and general beliefs. If you like believing in fairy tales, go ahead.

You have trivialized, marginalized, belittled and berated me at every opportunity. For instance, you make it sound as if where I live is not the norm; that it is some sh!+hole in the middle of nowhere. Dude, I live in the metro Atlanta area.

In the county I live in, it boasts such residents as Jeff Foxworthy, Jeff Francoeur, Doug Stamper (from House of Cards), Maya Moore, rap group Migos, Diana DeGarmo, Robert Nkemdiche, Amy Robach, Jason Elam, Brian McCann, Steve Borden (the wrestler known as Sting), Kyle Chandler, and many more people you know. Deion Sanders owns property here and BILLIONAIRE Bernie Marcus lives one county over to my east while Burt Reynolds owns property only a few miles (less than 20) to my north.

Whites make up 53 percent of the county population (they were 57 percent only 5 years ago)
Blacks make up 27.6 percent of the county population
Hispanics are 20 percent of the county population
Asians are 11.8 percent of the county population

Now, no matter how you stack it up (and these are the current stats from the US Census Bureau), we appear to be racially diverse. But, I know the weaknesses of the very figures that I could have fed you. IF you total those figures up, they amount to 116.4 percent. WTH? So, sorry Dude. I don't trust government figures as a final argument in anything.

You can take that halo you got from Toys R US off your head. You've not dis-proven a damn thing I've posted and you do not have a monopoly on the truth. Where I live is a fair and representative example of America. And from what I see - as well as many whites across this country, what you're saying doesn't square with what we experience each and every day.


You made several posts. You keep claiming that I make false claims while patting yourself on the back for coming up with one sided B.S. that can be taken apart by a fifth grader. Dude, you're a legend in your own mind.
At least I don't publicly claim to be less capable than a 5th grader.

And white (sic)? Culturally you are not.
Well, my whiteness, unlike yours, doesn't revolve around jealous defense of racial privilege. But I still have that privilege, and associated blind spots. I was raised in a small, overwhelmingly white town, by white, middle-class parents.

BTW, I don't trust the mainstream media as my final argument... ditto for government sources. And academic journals?
Ignoring facts you don't want to hear is a good way to avoid ever thinking for yourself.

Let me tell you a small secret: Every empire that ever fell was preceded by a mixing of cultures, races, religions, political persuasions, sexual orientations, and general beliefs. If you like believing in fairy tales, go ahead.
Racial superiority is a fairy tale, oppression of whites in the U.S. on racial grounds is definitely a fairy tale, and "white genocide" is a monstrous fairy tale based on unbelievably audacious lies.

Every empire in history has fostered cosmopolitanism including race mixing. That's what has made it an empire. The sooner the American empire falls, the better.

You have trivialized, marginalized, belittled and berated me at every opportunity. For instance, you make it sound as if where I live is not the norm; that it is some sh!+hole in the middle of nowhere.
Got an example?

Whites make up 53 percent of the county population (they were 57 percent only 5 years ago)
Blacks make up 27.6 percent of the county population
Hispanics are 20 percent of the county population
Asians are 11.8 percent of the county population

Now, no matter how you stack it up (and these are the current stats from the US Census Bureau), we appear to be racially diverse. But, I know the weaknesses of the very figures that I could have fed you. IF you total those figures up, they amount to 116.4 percent. WTH? So, sorry Dude. I don't trust government figures as a final argument in anything.
You don't say where your figures came from but you are implying they are government figures. As you know, the position of (for example) the Census Bureau is that "Hispanics can be of any race"--thus, many people are counted as Hispanic and white, Hispanic and Black, or Hispanic and Asian--which probably explains why the numbers add up to more than 100 percent.

You can take that halo you got from Toys R US off your head. You've not dis-proven a damn thing I've posted and you do not have a monopoly on the truth. Where I live is a fair and representative example of America. And from what I see - as well as many whites across this country, what you're saying doesn't square with what we experience each and every day.
The vast majority of whites abhor the kind of racism you are peddling, even if they may buy into the racist myths you are perpetrating (refuted by the never-rebutted cold, hard facts) and even if confirmation bias leads them to find " proof" of these myths in anomalous situations.


Council Member
At least I don't publicly claim to be less capable than a 5th grader.

Well, my whiteness, unlike yours, doesn't revolve around jealous defense of racial privilege. But I still have that privilege, and associated blind spots. I was raised in a small, overwhelmingly white town, by white, middle-class parents.

Ignoring facts you don't want to hear is a good way to avoid ever thinking for yourself.

Racial superiority is a fairy tale, oppression of whites in the U.S. on racial grounds is definitely a fairy tale, and "white genocide" is a monstrous fairy tale based on unbelievably audacious lies.

Every empire in history has fostered cosmopolitanism including race mixing. That's what has made it an empire. The sooner the American empire falls, the better.

Got an example?

You don't say where your figures came from but you are implying they are government figures. As you know, the position of (for example) the Census Bureau is that "Hispanics can be of any race"--thus, many people are counted as Hispanic and white, Hispanic and Black, or Hispanic and Asian--which probably explains why the numbers add up to more than 100 percent.

The vast majority of whites abhor the kind of racism you are peddling, even if they may buy into the racist myths you are perpetrating (refuted by the never-rebutted cold, hard facts) and even if confirmation bias leads them to find " proof" of these myths in anomalous situations.
I've told you before, I do not respond to the types of posts you just made. You may not have said that you have the mentality of say a fifth grader; however, you're proven that you are at that level.

I've not avoided any facts; you just make a lot of long posts that say little to nothing and want a fight.

When you get off your high horse, act like you're an adult or admit that you are certainly no more than 15, I can discuss this. Otherwise, you can kiss it. I don't owe you squat dude and your left wing cow dung is not facts. Your attacks are for those too chickenshit to go out and say stuff to people to their face like that publicly. If you ever grow a set and do, please get back to us.

Constitutional Sheepdog

At least I don't publicly claim to be less capable than a 5th grader.

Well, my whiteness, unlike yours, doesn't revolve around jealous defense of racial privilege. But I still have that privilege, and associated blind spots. I was raised in a small, overwhelmingly white town, by white, middle-class parents.

Ignoring facts you don't want to hear is a good way to avoid ever thinking for yourself.

Racial superiority is a fairy tale, oppression of whites in the U.S. on racial grounds is definitely a fairy tale, and "white genocide" is a monstrous fairy tale based on unbelievably audacious lies.

Every empire in history has fostered cosmopolitanism including race mixing. That's what has made it an empire. The sooner the American empire falls, the better.

Got an example?

You don't say where your figures came from but you are implying they are government figures. As you know, the position of (for example) the Census Bureau is that "Hispanics can be of any race"--thus, many people are counted as Hispanic and white, Hispanic and Black, or Hispanic and Asian--which probably explains why the numbers add up to more than 100 percent.

The vast majority of whites abhor the kind of racism you are peddling, even if they may buy into the racist myths you are perpetrating (refuted by the never-rebutted cold, hard facts) and even if confirmation bias leads them to find " proof" of these myths in anomalous situations.
You do claim blacks are incapable of finding the DMV or having an ID, don't you?


It's not conservative who act as if blacks are too stupid to know how to get to the DMV or don't have an ID.
It's libtards that think that.
It's a fact that strict voter ID laws will keep roughly 1 in 13 Blacks who would otherwise be legally eligible from voting, as opposed to 1 in 28 whites. And indeed that is the intent acknowledged all too often by their supporters.