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Dems need to abandon the "angry white man" meme


No, I simply know it to be "a fact" that there are always two kinds of people in groups like that, the truly evil and their enablers, the latter of which you wish to spare the feelings of because they aren't truly evil but rather misguided or ignorant, and also because you think the unavoidable personalization of it guilt by association results in will stand in the way of their desired and much needed "CONversion". The same dynamics apply here whether we're talking about the decision to compromise or cooperate on the leadership level or the election voting decision by the minion. They both involve answering the question as to whether or not the generalization/label use deters them from "coming around" because of the affront represented by the "name-calling". I say generally speaking, it won't deter them, because it is their realization and acknowledgement of the problem the name-calling/labeling brings to the fore that started them on their path, and indeed, a path that might never have been cut through their jungle of ideas without it.

So I ask, if you wanna make them aware of the fact that they are being manipulated, misled, and kept ignorant by the leadership in the repub party of both the pol and pundit kind working in concert towards that end, how do you do so without labeling them and the party they control liars, as opposed to "angry white men"? It's like BHO said (as some of us did long before...) they cling to their ignorance, and I've long added, with the mythical tenacity of the Gila Monster -- even after their head is cut off. This can be seen in the 63% still believing that wmds were found in Iraq, to the most dangerous rightwingnut of all -- the flat earther. You simply can't overcome all this on a personal level and achieve the conversions desired without establishing their guilt with the use of descriptive terms like gullible, ignorant, etc, either explicitly or by implication, in the process of convincing them they've been played by "the angry white men" in their leadership or who are their peers. That personalizes it far more than the use of a generalization like "angry white men", but remains the unavoidable inner personal battle they must go through in the process of rejection sought. The sinner can't be forgiven unless they first recognize that they sinned, and rejecting the sinner label kinda short circuits that process, no?

What you call "alienating", I call testing their metal/convictions and raising their awareness. It's the flag their party collectively flies. The "angry white men" label is nothing more than a condemnation of what they support, whether it be because they are racists, etc, or because they've chosen to overlook it under some "lesser of two evils" rationale that their being misled, etc, that you want to rectify, is the proximate cause of.

This subject has been a pet peeve of mine for decades now, and one I've focused on a lot in my time on the "internets". It's also the reason behind my "signature" choice -- which hardly makes the case that they are ALL stupid, or evil for that matter. I just see them being unduly offended by the proper characterization of the repub party in toto and using that as a reason to stay on the path/supporting of gullibility and ignorance as an indication of them giving the percieved personal affront more weight than the harm the victims of it are burdened with, which makes them either rotten fruit, or unripe and not ready for the picking yet. They are like the cult member not quite ready to make the leap back into reality because they are rightly labeled as, a cult member. When they make that leap is when our job of lifting them up and positively supporting them begins, not while they are still mired in the muck of their choosing.

Call it "tough love" or an earning on their part. To earn it and to make the "CONversion" as many have with the dropping of the republican label, is due to what but their understanding and acknowledging that such things as "the angry white men" label for the republican party is both earned and deserved?
I read as far as when you said that I want to "spare the feelings" of ..... and quit. You are arguing against what I didn't say and you are not reading what I'm writing. I typically enjoy reading your posts and will continue, but I'm done with this discussion because you are not hearing me.


I tend to agree with you Bobby, although i don't think it's widespread as we see it around PJ parts. Also keep in mind that i'm fairly certain that the first guy to use the term, was.. well; a Republican. ;-)

“The demographics race we’re losing badly. We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.” -Senator Lindsey O. Graham (R-SC)


yeah, I get that all the time. That's the only discernible point to/reason for abandoning the "angry white man" meme, is to "spare the feelings" of those that don't fit that description so as to avoid the "exclusiveness" you think it promotes. Gee, what does "exclusiveness" result in but the hurt feelings and/or resentment of those excluded?

I "heard" everything you've posted. I just disagree with your pov on the matter.


Not my turn to watch em, BT, either they learn on their own, or just keep banging the gong, it's "white noise" at this point.


White noise, nothing more



yeah, I get that all the time. That's the only discernible point to/reason for abandoning the "angry white man" meme, is to "spare the feelings" of those that don't fit that description so as to avoid the "exclusiveness" you think it promotes. Gee, what does "exclusiveness" result in but the hurt feelings and/or resentment of those excluded?

I "heard" everything you've posted. I just disagree with your pov on the matter.
No, as I very clearly said time and time again and in every single response to you, the reason to stop the meme has NOTHING TO DO WITH SPARING FEELINGS! Can you read that? It's not good for the Democratic Party! I don't give a shit about the feelings of Republicans. I do, however, care about making the Democratic Party so overwhelmingly superior in numbers of voters that Republicans can't even win in local races. The best way to do that is to be accepting of the teetering Republicans, not drive them away insulting them by association with the party "leadership" and the wingnut fringe. I don't understand what is so difficult to understand about what I'm saying. I don't really care whether you agree with me or not, I just wish you would understand what I'm saying so you know what you're disagreeing with.


Not my turn to watch em, BT, either they learn on their own, or just keep banging the gong, it's "white noise" at this point.


White noise, nothing more

You completely missed my point Pace. I'm not suggesting we educate them or watch them or anything at all having to do with them. I'm suggesting we focus our rhetoric on other than generalizing. Yes I know generalizing is easier, but it's a much less useful form of communication.