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how a fiat currency works


Fiat = authority

A fiat currency is a synthetic currency that is administered by some authority. It is a top down type construction, that is, it is entirely set in place and controlled by the fiat. So the currency actually belongs to the fiat. The currency is not wealth in itself, but it is traded as a representative of wealth. Picture it this way. On the left, place all the wealth of the nation. On the right, place all the synthetic currency; the trade happening on the right represents the wealth on the left. If you double the volume of the currency on the right, it will cut its value in half... see that? That's how a fiat currency works.

There have been roughly 800 fiat currencies put in place during the known history of civilization. It is a strict control of wage and trade. Read up on the currency of the Teutonic Knights to get an idea how rigidly fiat currency can control society. Fiat currency is a controlled market. It replaces a free market that utilizes real money with a fiat market utilizing a fiat currency... see that? That's what a fiat currency is.

The economy of a fiat market is not the actual trade taking place, nor the actual manufacture of goods... that's the real economy. The fiat economy merely measures the volume of fiat currency being traded. When we read that the economy is growing or receding, it isn't the real economy of the nation that is growing or receding, it is the currency that is growing or receding. It isn't the real economy... It is the fiat currency. That's why you always see me writing, "It is the currency, stupid".

The real economy of the United states has been in decline for 40 years. Half the nation is impoverished. The frog is well cooked in the pot.

Fiat currency is created and distributed by the fiat. In America, the Federal Reserve is the fiat. Notice that all your "money" is actually Federal Reserve Notes. Although they are printed in US Mints, they are totally the product of the fiat's oversight. This holds true for the 99% of the currency that is represented electronically, as well. The distribution method of the Federal Reserve has been described as "trickle down" ... a perfect description for the strict way the fiat controls the currency... our wages and survival is trickled down to us from the greater machinery in place on Wall Street. Wall Street eats the fatted calf, the rest of the nation gets tossed a bone to gnaw on... see that? That is the distribution of our synthetic currency.


Sea shells used to comprise a fiat currency as well. What do you want, a barter system?

How many chickens for a CT scan?


No, what I want is the state to take back its currency. I want the US Treasury to re-assume the fiat over the US Dollar. In the mean time, I want you to understand the difference between the fiat economy that the media pretends is the real economy, and the real economy which has been in decline for 40 years.


unfortunately, yes. That's why Ron Paul wants to quit the fiat currency and return to real money. The problem with that is, we don't have any real money. The banks have it all. The only hope of salvation is for Jesus to return, kill all the bastards, politicians and bankers, take all the gold out of their vaults and rebuild a real world economy... and then govern it with fairness and equity... return us to the days of Solomon's kingdom. It's not something any of us can hope to pull off out of our garage.


real money is not created and destroyed by a fiat. Synthetic money is a keystroke away from creation and destruction. Real money is like the land... indestructible. The creation process is slow, the supply is steady, hence, the value is steady, and the value is determined by supply and demand. Real money creates free markets. In a free market, the goods themselves are traded. the wealth shifts according to trade... it is what you think of as capitalism; but what you call capitalism today is not capitalism, it is a controlled market that trades a synthetic money, which is created and destroyed at will by a fiat.

Think of it this way; real money and free markets are the BIOS. Synthetic money and controlled markets are the operating system that sits on top of the BIOS.


Real money is mined from the earth: primarily gold, silver, or salt. Real money is real wealth, not ascribed wealth. Synthetic money is a marker system... accounting. Try to redeem synthetic money for real money and you will discover that it is worthless; it isn't real money. (translation: take a dollar to the Federal Reserve and try to redeem it for gold, silver, or salt and they will refuse... when they first introduced the synthetic money, they made it redeemable, that was to transition the populace onto the synthetic money. Once the populace was using the synthetic dollar, and not realizing it was synthetic, they yanked the redemption, because synthetic money is not redeemable for real money)


salt!!! lol. the friggin ocean is full of salt!! a counterfiteres delight. i can just see you walkin to 7-11 with slivers of gold. and too much gold inflated the hell outta europe in the 1500's pal.


salt was the all-time most utilized form of money. Slaves were paid for in salt. If a slave was not a good worker he wasn't worth what you paid for... he wasn't worth his salt. Salt in latin is "salaria" ... that's where we get the word "salary".


I don't know who your "evangelicals" are, but if you want to return to a free market where price is determined by supply and demand, you will need to return to real money to get there.

personally, I'm okay with a fiat currency, I just want to change the fiat.


I doubt that. The Chinese don't own their central bank and currency any more than we do.