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The Elite. Who is manipulating us?


The world is at a crossroads. We are being steered and have been steered for a long time by unseen forces. Some would have us believe it's the Jews. Others say it's the Masons or some other secret society. Some call up the Skull and Crossbones or the Iluminati.

Right now it matters more that we see what they are doing than it matters for us to identify them.
I hope that any of you who care will read this. I have to post it in two parts (at least). I am sorry for the length. It is worth the read.

by Laura Ingraham | Updated 25 Oct 2016 at 8:05 PM

“We should be more than worried. Neither America nor the world can afford a lurch into Trumpian isolationism,” wrote Philip Stevens in the Financial Times on Sept. 21.
Everyone from The New York Times to Hillary Clinton herself touted the letter signed by 50 former GOP officials in August, stating their opposition to Donald Trump’s candidacy.
Like the generals in World War I who kept sending larger and larger numbers of men to die in hopeless battles, our elites believe that we need more of the same.
Among other things, the group contended that Trump has little knowledge regarding America’s “vital national interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances and the democratic values” that should undergird our foreign policy.
There is no end to their handwringing and alarmism over the supposed damage a President Trump would do to the United States. The so-called “mainstream” press — which WikiLeaks has revealed to be little more than a Hillary super PAC — is full of stories about how Trump presents a threat to the “world order” that has purportedly governed foreign affairs since the end of World War II. But the truth is that the “world order” in question exists only in the minds of those pundits who aren’t paying attention to life on this planet.
The entire concept of a continuous, stable, and peaceful “world order” that goes back to 1945 would come as a shock to the many Americans who lost friends and loved ones on battlefields in Korea, Vietnam, and countless other places during that period. The reality of the situation is that between 1945 and 1990, the United States faced very severe challenges — not only to any type of “world order,” but to its very freedom.


part 2
Some presidents — like Reagan and Eisenhower — dealt with those challenges successfully, helping Americans to enjoy brief periods of peace and prosperity. Others — like Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter — failed to meet the foreign policy challenges of their time, and left a more dangerous world to their successors. The whole notion that the world simply ran on autopilot, and that U.S. policymakers had few critical decisions to make, is simply wrong.
After America’s triumph in the Cold War, however, the difficulties of that struggle were quickly forgotten in Washington and the capitals of Europe. Instead, Western leaders congratulated themselves on the notion that they had reached “the end of history,” and that liberal capitalism would reign supreme in perpetuity — a conclusion directly contradicted by centuries of real-world experience. Armed with this false premise, U.S. foreign policymakers on both sides of the aisle made a serious of disastrous blunders:
  • They believed that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would promote better relations in North America, and reduce concerns over illegal immigration. They were wrong. Instead, illegal immigration from Mexico to the United States surged, while relations between all three NAFTA countries have generally deteriorated. By 2008, even Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were calling for NAFTA to be re-negotiated — but of course, that was just another empty promise.
  • They believed that the World Trade Organization (WTO) would serve as a bastion of support for market economies, and would encourage countries like Japan to give up their mercantilist practices. They were wrong. Instead, the United States has become the main target of the WTO's dispute settlement system, as our trading partners regularly treat us as a punching bag, winning disputes and forcing us to change our laws to better suit their preferences. This year, the globalists in the Obama administration blocked an appointment to the WTO's Appellate Body — because even they are tired of losing so many cases there.
  • They believed that facilitating the rise of China — by giving the Chinese practically unlimited access to Western markets and technology — would lead to a freer and safer world. They were wrong. The relentless dictators in China are using their newfound wealth to consolidate their power, both inside China and around the world. If current trends continue, we will soon be driven from Asia, and a Communist dictatorship will replace the United States as the world's largest economy.
  • They believed that a weakened Russia could do little to challenge the West. They were wrong. Vladimir Putin's government, despite an economy smaller than that of Canada, has tied Western policymakers in knots — making them look feckless and weak, and undermining NATO.
  • They believed that spreading democracy in the Middle East would lead to more stable and peaceful governments in that part of the world. They were wrong. The disastrous wars and other mistakes of the last 15 years have created a Middle East that appears to be more violent and dangerous than ever. Furthermore, the Middle East is now flooding the West with refugees and terrorists, who are creating huge political problems in the United States and Western Europe.
  • They believed that cramming most of the historic nations of Europe into a single union with a shared currency would lead to peace and prosperity. They were wrong. Europe's economy has been staggering for years, and the voters of the United Kingdom grew so disgusted with the European Union that they voted to leave it altogether — another development our elites failed to anticipate.
  • They believed that Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, was a force of calm and stability within the Western alliance. They were wrong. She has proven to be an unyielding fanatic whose absolute refusal to change course — no matter how bad that course may be — has not only damaged the economies of southern Europe, and driven Britain from the E.U., but has destabilized Germany itself by opening that country to a surge of Middle Eastern refugees for which the German people, and their government, were not ready.
  • They believed that giving away our manufacturing base and welcoming illegal immigrants from around the world would lead to a happier and more prosperous America. They were wrong. The U.S. economy has performed so poorly that experts like Larry Summers now suggest we have entered a period of permanent "secular stagnation." Meanwhile, U.S. politics are riven by the utter mistrust that many voters feel for the elites who govern them — and by the contempt many of those elites feel for those voters.
  • They believed that as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton — a donor-controlled hack who may be the least persuasive person ever to hold high public office in this country — could help resolve the significant foreign policy problems that were already becoming obvious by 2009. Instead, she failed at that job, and the world is now less stable and more dangerous than when she went to Foggy Bottom.

I could go on, but surely these examples are more than sufficient to prove that our leaders have committed blunder after blunder since the end of the Cold War. History is not kind to fools, and the United States is paying an enormous price for throwing away the strategic advantages it enjoyed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Consider the following facts:
  • Last year, for the 16th year in a row, real median household incomes in the United States were lower than they were in 1999. Middle-aged Americans have now lost most of their careers to an era in which the standard of living for the typical household has fallen.

  • In 1999, the year before Congress agreed to let China join the WTO, the United States accounted for 25.78 percent of world GDP. By 2014 (the last year for which data is publicly available), that figure was down to 22.43 percent — the lowest it has been in government records going back to 1969, according to the Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  • In 1999, China's annual GDP was $1.094 trillion. Last year, it was more than $11 trillion.

  • In 1999, the U.S. national debt was $5.7 trillion. Last year, it was $18.1 trillion.

In short, by almost any measure, the United States is weaker than it was during the afterglow of the Cold War — while China, our chief geopolitical adversary, has gotten much stronger. This decline was not inevitable — certainly no major U.S. policymakers predicted it. Instead, it is the result of a series of foolish mistakes that have consistently undermined our position while making life easier for our enemies.
At this point, it should be obvious that the "world order" for which our elites pine has gone the way of the flip phone and other artifacts from the 1990s. For most Americans, the global economy has become a nightmare from which they are trying to escape. But like the generals in World War I who kept sending larger and larger numbers of men to die in hopeless battles, our elites believe that we need more of the same. Not satisfied by a series of trade agreements that have failed to work as advertised, they now promote the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Not satisfied by an immigration policy that has roiled U.S. and European politics for most of the last two decades, they scheme to bring more illegal immigrants into the West. Not satisfied by the losses we have already suffered in the Middle East, they dream of sending new armies to die in that war-torn region. No wonder they are uniting behind Hillary Clinton — the author and supporter of so many of these disastrous policies.
Storm Clouds for U.S. Foreign Policy in the PhilippinesLongtime U.S. ally defects to China-Russia amid erosion of American power and prestigeLet us be clear: If Hillary Clinton is elected president, all of the problems we see around the world today will continue to fester — because she will continue the same policies that got us here. Four years from now, if she is president, the United States will be weaker, China will be stronger, Russia will be more dangerous, terrorists will be more emboldened, the Middle East will be more unstable, and conditions in Europe will be worse than they are now. We already know that our current policies lead to these results. Why would we want to let things worsen for four more years?
The time has come to strike out on a different path. When you look past all the elite blather about Trump's "temperament" and "tone," one thing becomes obvious: On the big foreign policy issues facing America, Trump is right, and the elites are wrong. It is insane — and dangerous — to keep propping up a global trading regime that treats Chinese companies better than American companies. It is insane — and dangerous — to keep wasting the U.S. military on missions that cannot succeed. It is insane — and dangerous — to continue trying to maintain a position in the world that we can no longer afford. It is insane — and dangerous — to tear down all borders and effectively dissolve the nations of the West. Most of all, it is insane to install, as president of the United States, a vapid and untrustworthy politician who has consistently been wrong on every major foreign policy issue of the last 20 years.
Hillary Clinton may win this election. But Trump and his supporters will ultimately win the argument over foreign policy — because his policies at least have a chance of making the world better, while hers never will.


So one single ethnic/religious group merited mention in the subject line as possible culprit (aside from a couple of clubs).

Was it absolutist extremist islamist terrorists? Was it the maoist commie hordes? Each of those folks number in either the tens of millions or billions. But do they make the cut?


They didn't rate a mention.

Speculation is fun, eh?


So one single ethnic/religious group merited mention in the subject line as possible culprit (aside from a couple of clubs).

Was it absolutist extremist islamist terrorists? Was it the maoist commie hordes? Each of those folks number in either the tens of millions or billions. But do they make the cut?


They didn't rate a mention.

Speculation is fun, eh?
The subject line is small. I wanted to speak to the topics of tonight. My choices might have been better, but I wanted to link this article to current conversation. No slight or slap was intended.

Did my (in your opinion) misstep mean you chose not to read the article, @RickWA ?

It is the "Elite" we are against.............whoever they may be (and I suspect it's a diverse group)
Laura Ingram's heart is in the right place, but not even she truly understands what is going on in the world of 'realpolitik'. That is the trouble with the majority of concerned patriots in this country: they fail to grasp the big picture. Decades of propaganda have taken their toll on her judgement and introduced just enough confusion to throw her off track. She fails to see, for example, that what she terms 'mistakes' by our leaders since WW2 are actually deliberate policy. There are no mistakes, whether in America or in Europe. In fact, much of what has happened on those two continents has gone according to plan, and it just boggles my mind that intelligent people like Laura Ingram cannot see it.

Deleted member 21794

Laura Ingram's heart is in the right place, but not even she truly understands what is going on in the world of 'realpolitik'. That is the trouble with the majority of concerned patriots in this country: they fail to grasp the big picture. Decades of propaganda have taken their toll on her judgement and introduced just enough confusion to throw her off track. She fails to see, for example, that what she terms 'mistakes' by our leaders since WW2 are actually deliberate policy. There are no mistakes, whether in America or in Europe. In fact, much of what has happened on those two continents has gone according to plan, and it just boggles my mind that intelligent people like Laura Ingram cannot see it.
I agree about Ingraham. I suspect she lives and breathes somewhere inside the machine belt way. She is straddling the fence between reality and what the establishment goons tell us.

As for WWII, I think it's pretty clear FDR was looking to get involved in it for years. I suspect it may have been a tough sell due to the Depression he deepened and widened with failed big government liberal policies. His Secretary of the Treasury said it best:

"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot."

One could easily mistake this for a quote said by an Obama goon who ostensibly had walked away from the Obama cartel and defected to the free world.
I agree about Ingraham. I suspect she lives and breathes somewhere inside the machine belt way. She is straddling the fence between reality and what the establishment goons tell us.

As for WWII, I think it's pretty clear FDR was looking to get involved in it for years. I suspect it may have been a tough sell due to the Depression he deepened and widened with failed big government liberal policies. His Secretary of the Treasury said it best:

"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot."

One could easily mistake this for a quote said by an Obama goon who ostensibly had walked away from the Obama cartel and defected to the free world.
Yours is a winning post, Thinker. A must-read for every thinking person.
The world is at a crossroads. We are being steered and have been steered for a long time by unseen forces. Some would have us believe it's the Jews. Others say it's the Masons or some other secret society. Some call up the Skull and Crossbones or the Iluminati.

Right now it matters more that we see what they are doing than it matters for us to identify them.
I hope that any of you who care will read this. I have to post it in two parts (at least). I am sorry for the length. It is worth the read.

by Laura Ingraham | Updated 25 Oct 2016 at 8:05 PM

“We should be more than worried. Neither America nor the world can afford a lurch into Trumpian isolationism,” wrote Philip Stevens in the Financial Times on Sept. 21.
Everyone from The New York Times to Hillary Clinton herself touted the letter signed by 50 former GOP officials in August, stating their opposition to Donald Trump’s candidacy.
Like the generals in World War I who kept sending larger and larger numbers of men to die in hopeless battles, our elites believe that we need more of the same.
Among other things, the group contended that Trump has little knowledge regarding America’s “vital national interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances and the democratic values” that should undergird our foreign policy.
There is no end to their handwringing and alarmism over the supposed damage a President Trump would do to the United States. The so-called “mainstream” press — which WikiLeaks has revealed to be little more than a Hillary super PAC — is full of stories about how Trump presents a threat to the “world order” that has purportedly governed foreign affairs since the end of World War II. But the truth is that the “world order” in question exists only in the minds of those pundits who aren’t paying attention to life on this planet.
The entire concept of a continuous, stable, and peaceful “world order” that goes back to 1945 would come as a shock to the many Americans who lost friends and loved ones on battlefields in Korea, Vietnam, and countless other places during that period. The reality of the situation is that between 1945 and 1990, the United States faced very severe challenges — not only to any type of “world order,” but to its very freedom.
1) In a way and in the end it doesn't matter who the elite is - it is - In any vote and any way we can we needs halt their control, confront their doings every step of the way - who they are is irrelevant - if we can manage to stay their power hungry warmongering - controlling hand they are nothing.

2) Trump is good at delegation and one has to suspect that those who have his back are those same people who have been leaking, from the inside, all the dope on Hillary - who are patriots and do want to save America from the clutches of 'elite'/Globalists whoever they are............ Being good at, choosing the right 'man for the job', delegation I would think might be Trumps best asset for the WH.

3) 'What have you got to lose?' - Hillary must not get in - you have to do what ever it takes to keep that person out of the WH - whatever it takes, if that is Trump, so be it.

Deleted member 21794

part 2
Some presidents — like Reagan and Eisenhower — dealt with those challenges successfully, helping Americans to enjoy brief periods of peace and prosperity. Others — like Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter — failed to meet the foreign policy challenges of their time, and left a more dangerous world to their successors. The whole notion that the world simply ran on autopilot, and that U.S. policymakers had few critical decisions to make, is simply wrong.
After America’s triumph in the Cold War, however, the difficulties of that struggle were quickly forgotten in Washington and the capitals of Europe. Instead, Western leaders congratulated themselves on the notion that they had reached “the end of history,” and that liberal capitalism would reign supreme in perpetuity — a conclusion directly contradicted by centuries of real-world experience. Armed with this false premise, U.S. foreign policymakers on both sides of the aisle made a serious of disastrous blunders:
I'm unsure of the specific group(s), but clearly there are dark forces at work that have a truly radical plan(s) to orchestrate massive and negative changes for the world- with the west being a prime target.
So one single ethnic/religious group merited mention in the subject line as possible culprit (aside from a couple of clubs).

Was it absolutist extremist islamist terrorists? Was it the maoist commie hordes? Each of those folks number in either the tens of millions or billions. But do they make the cut?


They didn't rate a mention.

Speculation is fun, eh?
The British as in Empire, were an ethnic group - as were The French, The Ottomans, The Romans, The Spanish, The Dutch etc we speak of the Americans, Iranians, The Russians ----- you are talking bull shit Rick - The Jews as in 'the domain of the Weimar Republic is now the whole planet' and they are our enemy for we are Goyim/their slaves.


The Elite. Is it the Jews? The Illuminati? Or who?
The Golden Rule. He who has all the gold, makes the rules.

Since gold has been replaced with fiat currency that can be created out of thin air by private central banksters. It is becoming very clear that the powers that be are the owners of the private central banks (FRB, BOE, BOJ, ECB, PBoC, IMF and World Bank.) Along with the owners of Tax Free Foundations (Worth Trillions), as well as the Vatican and the British monarchy, who's funds are diversified with several Rothschild subsidiaries.

This small group of families have command/control of unlimited credit and diplomatic immunity and are the owners of 3/4 of all global assets/wealth and rising.
The Golden Rule. He who has all the gold, makes the rules.

Since gold has been replaced with fiat currency that can be created out of thin air by private central banksters. It is becoming very clear that the powers that be are the owners of the private central banks (FRB, BOE, BOJ, ECB, PBoC, IMF and World Bank.) Along with the owners of Tax Free Foundations (Worth Trillions), as well as the Vatican and the British monarchy, who's funds are diversified with several Rothschild subsidiaries.

This small group of families have command/control of unlimited credit and diplomatic immunity and are the owners of 3/4 of all global assets/wealth and rising.
But do not forget that my Queen payed the whole of the US debt to China off - in order to stay the Banking crisis, she flew to the US and signed off on the whole of the debt - as soon as she was on the plane home Obama ( on whose orders? Bush senior said Christopher Story - I dunno) reneged on the deal - and the banks crashed - taking 93% of Libya's money with them too by the way. Not just once has the Royal family been publicly threatened by the Rothchild's and Murdock - so even there not all is necessarily what it seems.
The world is at a crossroads. We are being steered and have been steered for a long time by unseen forces. Some would have us believe it's the Jews. Others say it's the Masons or some other secret society. Some call up the Skull and Crossbones or the Iluminati.
In 1954 a US Senator put it this way:

"'Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system … a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state…. The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization'

"'It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government…. This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.'

— Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech'"

"Unaffected by elections.

"Unaltered by populist movements.

"Beyond the reach of the law.

"Say hello to America’s shadow government."

I think Wall Street is probably a better candidate for what controls our shadow government; although, there's no shortage of Jews, Masons, Skull and 'bones, and Iluminati among its leaders.:rolleyes:
In 1954 a US Senator put it this way:

"'Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system … a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state…. The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization'

"'It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government…. This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.'

— Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech'"

"Unaffected by elections.

"Unaltered by populist movements.

"Beyond the reach of the law.

"Say hello to America’s shadow government."

I think Wall Street is probably a better candidate for what controls our shadow government; although, there's no shortage of Jews, Masons, Skull and 'bones, and Iluminati among its leaders.:rolleyes:
Jews, Masons, Skull and 'bones, and Iluminati = same people.
most people don't think "trumpian isolationism" is a threat, or even "a real thing"

the same far left wonks who are supporting nationalist/separatists aspirations of Palestinians, Kurds, Basques, Mongolians, Tibetans, etc are inexplicably telling America that we must open our own borders to cultural dilution through unregulated immigration.

Trump simply wants the laws as written enforced. if America isn't happy with the existing laws, then they should direct congress to change them, or send different folks to Washington.

I'm tired of executive orders and newspaper editorials substituting for the rule of law.
Jews, Masons, Skull and 'bones, and Iluminati = same people.

"'Episcopalians?'' Cleveland Amory, chronicler of America's elite, blueblood, Episcopalian, pondered. ''Well,'' he said at last, 'this much I know: God is an Episcopalian. From Boston.''

"There has always been a certain cachet attached to being an Episcopalian in the United States..."

"Although Episcopalians constitute less than 2 percent of the country's population - official church membership is set at 3.1 million members - their social and economic impact is rivaled by few other groups, if any."
Why not focus on the real problem?


The British as in Empire, were an ethnic group - as were The French, The Ottomans, The Romans, The Spanish, The Dutch etc we speak of the Americans, Iranians, The Russians ----- you are talking bull shit Rick - The Jews as in 'the domain of the Weimar Republic is now the whole planet' and they are our enemy for we are Goyim/their slaves.
With all due respect, that is moronic.


Bless you all
So one single ethnic/religious group merited mention in the subject line as possible culprit (aside from a couple of clubs).

Was it absolutist extremist islamist terrorists? Was it the maoist commie hordes? Each of those folks number in either the tens of millions or billions. But do they make the cut?


They didn't rate a mention.

Speculation is fun, eh?
Call it a case of the LanceFreeman flu...

(it's unhealthy and always leads back to those evil joooo's)