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The Invisible War

A Commentary by Lance Freeman:

The Jewish press in America continually promotes the fiction that the White Man hasn’t done enough for minorities in this country, and needs to give more. That is a blatant lie. The truth is this: no group of people in the history of Planet Earth has done more for the minorities in its midst than the White citizens of America. But the truth is of little consequence to those Luciferic forces determined to destroy this country by pitting the Gentile races against one another in race wars.

This plan by Luciferic Jews to destroy the White Christian civilization in Europe and America has been in the works since the late 18th Century, and is behind all the destructive revolutions that have plagued Europe and America since the 1830’s. The American Civil War, for example, was largely instigated by agents of the European money-lenders, based in London and Paris; agents like August Belmont, who traveled through the South agitating for secession from the North, while his counter-parts in the North preached a hard line against the South. These money-lenders profited handsomely from the war, loaning money to both sides at usurious interest rates, while hundreds of thousands of young men died on the battle fields. We rewarded these crooks for their treachery by giving them total control of our finances in 1913, and allowing them to set up their ‘Federal Reserve’ (which was neither federal, nor did it have any reserves), and their collection agency called the IRS, which bled every American worker’s paycheck of a percentage of his income, week in and week out.

The other lie being promoted by the Jewish press is the fiction that there are still too many White people in America who are racist, and they need to do more to prove to all the world that they are properly rehabilitated. Translation: the White Man needs to give up more of what he still possesses to Blacks and Hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics, on the other hand, are encouraged to demand more, and to raise hell if they are not given more. Hence, we have Black demagogues, like Al Sharpton, and Hispanic radical groups, like La Raza, screaming for the government to extend more benefits to minorities, to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who broke our laws by slipping across our borders without permission, adding them to our welfare rolls, and building special schools for them that will teach them how to speak English. And we wonder why this country is going to hell in a hand basket.

Meanwhile, the White Man sits on his hands, taking all that is thrown at him in silence. He is completely paralyzed by guilt (guilt over slavery, guilt over the holocaust, guilt over his racist DNA, etc.). Guilt is inculcated in European-Americans early, from childhood, as soon as they start school. It is buttressed with carefully calculated propaganda that, upon adulthood, has them praising the very forces that are working to destroy their civilization. White Americans are being impoverished, marginalized, and made irrelevant in their own country, even as they sing the praises of the Jews. They have been so brainwashed that just speaking the word ‘Jew’ makes them shrink back at the thought of what they may have done to these people. And all of it is built on a foundation of lies.

Today, these Luciferic (Zionist) Jews, and their media machine, are so in control of America that the only European-Americans employed by government are those who have sworn fealty to them, and work to advance their agenda. On the other hand, ordinary WASPS have become so numb to the unfolding of events just beyond their peripheral vision, they hardly notice that every newly elected President makes an obligatory trip to Israel to genuflect at the feet of Israeli politicians before assuming his duties at the White House. Any intelligent, aware citizenry would hesitate and ask why such should be required of our President, but not our zonked-out citizenry, who have lost every ounce of self-respect they once possessed.

There will come a day, not too long from now, when there will be hardly any WASPS in governmental positions of consequence. The majority of the top posts in government will be occupied by Jews, including the office of the presidency. Under them will be today’s minority people mostly, who are well underway to becoming a majority in America.

The flooding of our country with peoples from inferior cultures around the world is not happenstance. It is deliberate, and in line with a pre-conceived plan. The finger is always pointed at ‘Liberals’ for this unrestricted importation of uneducated people from other lands, who are overwhelming our welfare system, ratcheting up the crime rate, and pulling us down to Third World status, but this is only partially true. The so-called ‘Conservatives’ are equally to blame, as they secretly support these illegal invasions, even as they pretend to oppose them publicly. Fact is, both parties dance to the tune played by their banker bosses in London and Wall Street, who desire an end to a prosperous America, and its incorporation into a New World Order.

If this story continues to unfold without an attempt at course correction, Whites will have been relegated to obscurity in their own country, per Jewish plans and ambitions. America will be theirs totally and openly, with its White inhabitants a steadily vanishing breed. In years to come, when historians begin to analyze the reasons behind the spectacular downfall of the White race in America, they will conclude that the factors involved in this tragedy were a mix of cowardice, guilt, and the inability to say no, or make a stand in their own defense---in the face of opposing forces.