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Why it's getting harder and harder for the 'little guy'.

I posted this in response to a left wing doofus on another forum, but I think it's worth a thread of its own.
Here some historically proven economic reasons why it's getting harder for the 'little guy' to make a buck and get ahead.

1)The welfare estate which doesn't create wealth, it consumes it. Rewarding need by penalizing achievement (an example of that thinking is Obama's statement "You didn't build that.") That policy redistributes wealth rather than creating it with new and/or improved products and services and increased production of existing ones. That increases the workforce, creates new wealth and a larger economy in which there is more opportunity to become part of it.

2)The bureaucracy: A certain number of regulations are necessary to protect the public and property, (businesses tend to self regulate but not all do) but there is nothing worse than an unelected bureaucrat that has to justify his existence by writing regulation after regulation after regulation.

These excessive regulations make it harder to open a business, create a new product or improve existing ones. They make it harder to construct a home, interfere with property rights, raise energy prices and prices in general. The result in higher prices that stifle economic growth and wealth creation, with the result of less opportunity for everyone, but especially the poor and middle income earner.

3)Too high a minimum wage. The higher minimum wage raises the bottom rung of the economic ladder making it harder for unskilled labor to climb on and start getting that experience they need to start the move up. It also makes unskilled labor more expensive and starting a business more costly, hence fewer new businesses are started and economic growth and wealth creation are stifled.

4)The Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Bank was created in the early 1900's by a group of people who owned the largest Banks (JP Morgan was one of them.) They met in secret on a island off the coast of Georgia. Their sole purpose for the creation of this central bank was control of the currency to manipulate interest rates. At the time, not very many people were borrowing money, most were paying cash, as interest rates were rather high. The bank they created has total control over our currency and hence our economy.
They can manipulate inflation, interest rates, and the stock market. The value of the dollar has been reduced by 95% since this bank came into existence.

When money is worth less, prices go up. This again hurts middle and lower income earners more than anyone. And it's being currently done at record pace, The markets have become totally dependent on the Federal Government, in a perverse way too, going up when there is bad economic news and down when there are positive economic signs (especially being sensitive to the unemployment rate,) creating a huge bubble of printed money buying our debt, that is not backed by increased production of goods and services; that bubble, when it breaks, will make the sub prime crises look mild.

These are just a few of the reasons that it is getting very difficult for the 'little guy' to get ahead; is the fault of both ruling class Democrats and Republicans, who are drunk with power and will do everything they can to avoid losing it. And that is what the Tea Party is all about and why it is being slammed by both of those entities.