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  1. excalibur

    Editorial: California Democrats threaten press freedoms

    The left doing what they always do. Heck, Øbama spied on reporters, and hounded several of them and their families. California is now a one-party state, and we know that leftists love that, and what they do with such unchecked power historically. Which is why the left wants to do away with the...
  2. georgephillip

    Tax the Rich to Fund College for All in California

    What's the connection between the repeal of California's estate tax and soaring college costs in the Golden State? https://inequality.org/great-divide/restoring-opportunity-taxing-wealth-fund-college-ca/ "STUDENT DEBT Restoring Opportunity: Taxing Wealth to Fund College For All in...
  3. as seen on tv

    WTF? Half of California residents don’t speak english at home? Mierda!

    https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/census-bureau-446-california-dont-speak-english-home-356-texas-345-nm Actually, its only 45% off Californians who don’t speak english at home. And no . . . its not just Spanish. Remember, the San Bernardino terrorist imported a...
  4. as seen on tv

    California adds 3rd gender to Drivers Licenses. But why stop there?

    "Stop asking if I'm a knight, Pod . . . I'm non-binary." https://www.buzzfeed.com/jtes/california-just-became-the-first-state-to-recognize-a-third?utm_term=.fdgwZX3QM8#.rxDL0YpOG7 (DMV clerk) “Um . . . male or female?” (License applicant): “Non-Binary” Don’t laugh. This is now the law...
  5. as seen on tv

    Will Californians rethink illegals' sanctuary after Vineyard fires kill 40?

    Reader quiz - today's top photo comes from what (romantic) film? http://www.breitbart.com/california/2017/10/17/ice-detainer-issued-for-suspected-wine-country-arsonist-in-sonoma-jail/ The last time I tackled this topic, some homeless illegal alien on San Francisco’s Pier 39 shot a blonde woman...
  6. as seen on tv

    Stop me if you’ve heard this one: A Muslim with a knife walks into a bar . .

    https://ca.news.yahoo.com/moroccan-teenager-admits-killing-2-turku-knife-rampage-102959684--finance.html Those crazy Muslim asylum seekers – you never know what they’ll pull next. Take the 18 year old “refugee” from Morocco. He was clearly disappointed that Finland denied his asylum request...
  7. as seen on tv

    Your exit fee will be £2,000 per man woman and child, please . ..

    http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-39789903 Wow – its going to cost $100 billion for the UK to ‘brexit” the European Union. Was this in the original contract they signed, when they joined? It wasn’t?? Silly me, for even asking. This is the problem with governments. They’ve always got...
  8. as seen on tv

    (Uh oh - this post better not be racist) Norway surpasses Denmark as the happiest nation on earth

    http://www.reuters.com/article/us-life-happiness-report-idUSKBN16R0BH To be honest, I can’t really tell the difference between a Norwegian or a Dane. Anyway, they traded places. Norway is now the happiest place on earth, and Denmark slightly less so. Winters that last 8 months, and epic...
  9. as seen on tv

    Did California suppress cellphone radiation warnings to help Apple?

    Always wear protective goggles, and hold your cell phone at least 24 inches away from your head, to avoid the effects of deadly radiation. Which can cause premature aging, memory problems, and manic/depressive behavior...