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so who evengelicasl will vote for in november?



Stanists, Atheists, and MOOSLIMS will be voting for Choclate Jesus, no doubt.....


Council Member
I'm thinking that many will have a hard time showing up at the polls, afraid of the mistake they may be making.
I'm thinking that many will have a hard time showing up at the polls, afraid of the mistake they may be making.
agree , many will stay home if lying mormon is the nominee. At least if Obama is reelected, the end times can begin already...


I think they will actually vote for whoever Romney picks as VP... just like the right-wing-crash-dummies who voted for PALIN when McCain was running.... they actually voted more for HER than him. Romney will pick an evangelist magnet so he can get their votes.... Easy. Any stu-NOD could figure that one out. So yes Evangies will vote REPUGNICAN like they always do... They always vote against their best interests and then cry poor me.
I think they will actually vote for whoever Romney picks as VP... just like the right-wing-crash-dummies who voted for PALIN when McCain was running.... they actually voted more for HER than him. Romney will pick an evangelist magnet so he can get their votes.... Easy. Any stu-NOD could figure that one out. So yes Evangies will vote REPUGNICAN like they always do... They always vote against their best interests and then cry poor me.
LOL, you saying to prevent gay people to get married is not in the best interest of Evangelicals?


Most of them will gag and vomit and then vote for Romney, the Mormon. I guess that after the leftwingers put a "God DAMN America!" president into the Oval Office, a mere Mormon is just not a sticking point anymore. Go figure.



Anybody but Obama.

Just like the hard left wackos are in the tank for Obama, the hard right is in the tank for the Republicans.

You should know that by now.


Yep, and the only practical difference for voting day 2012 is that every Right of Center voter capable of movement is going to get to the voting booth and vote ABO. The Left, well . . . so far the Left just can't seem to get itself in the mood. The clown prince just doesn't send the same sort of tingles up their legs that he did way back in 2008. Meh, go figure.

Somebody claimed that the dope smokers and gay marriage advocates are going to be sufficient numbers to put Obama back into office, making up for all those independents who have permanently turned their backs on him. I dunno, but it seems to me that the poster suggesting that should himself lay off the dope smoke for a little while and let his impaired mental processes clear.


Yep; but they will do it. I guess that's the difference between worshiping a candidate and selecting the candidate that's just better than the piece of garbage currently inhabiting the Oval Office. Had leftwingers made the intelligent choice in 2008 then it wouldn't be necessary. But she's busy being the Secretary of State, the only competent upper level official in the Obama administration. Go figure.


I don't know about that. Yesterday, I listened to an hour of the call in show in the afternoon on POTUS. They took only Republican callers,and asked them who they supported. Most of them were for someone other than Romney. And when asked, exactly ONE said she would vote for Romney in the general if he were the GOP candidate.
I don't know about that. Yesterday, I listened to an hour of the call in show in the afternoon on POTUS. They took only Republican callers,and asked them who they supported. Most of them were for someone other than Romney. And when asked, exactly ONE said she would vote for Romney in the general if he were the GOP candidate.
The power of Maoism and any other based on brainwashing propaganda religion and its modern reincarnation in the conservative movement is under-appreciated by the GOP partisan hacks of this board.
Many true believers in Maoism =modern GOPism will not bother to vote for Romney