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The Great Bolshevik Deception---

Lance Freeman

Council Member
"Behind the mask of diplomatic and political cooperation and partnership with the United States and Europe, the current Russian leaders are following the strategy of their predecessors and working towards a 'New World Order'. When the right moment comes, the mask will be dropped and the Russians, with Chinese help, will seek to impose their system on the West on their own terms."

-Anatoliy Golitsyn, 1980's Soviet defector

"Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.”

---Michael Gorbachev, Former Russian Prime Minister, in a speech to the Russian Parliament, after declaring 'Glasnost' with Ronald Reagan in Washington

Folks: perhaps you will now sit down to think and to unravel the mystery of who exactly is behind the collapse of the American political and economic system. Ask yourselves: Who was behind the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia? Who financed it? And--how did Bolshevism wangle its way into American politics and culture? Who was largely responsible for infiltrating it into the United States, and for its ultimate success here? Who was the infiltrator, and why has he not been exposed yet?

For a clue, we need to go back all the way to 1990, when current Israeli Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was observed sharing drinks with a friend in a watering hole called 'Fink's Bar' in Tel Aviv. A third party, sitting not far away from the duo, heard Netanyahu say (in response to his friend's question):

"It does not matter what you do. America is a Golden Calf, and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off, piece by piece, until there is nothing left but a welfare state, which we will create and control."

When Netanyahu's friend asked him why this had to happen, he replied: "Because it is God's will''

For a lot of people, this is a mind-boggling answer, but you have to remember that these Zionists are Sabbateans, and Sabbateans are Luciferians. They worship a different God. This goes all the way back to the 17th Century False Messiah, Shabtai Tzvi, and the movement/sect he started, which succeeded in infiltrating mainline Judaism--and corrupting it. The State of Israel is a Sabbatean state.

I will leave it here for now. You can dig up the rest of the story yourselves, if you desire more education on this subject. Israeli journalist, Barry Chamish, has written several books on the origins (and machinations) of the Sabbatean Movement. You may want to check out his material. You may also want to read the well-researched book titled'The Ruling Elite' by Deana Spingola.

Education, my friends, is the key.
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Lance Freeman

Council Member
The Great Bolshevik Deception morphs into the Great Game, also known as the New World Order. Try to understand how the 'Game' is played, and who the players are. Try to understand how America has been subverted from within--and destroyed. Try to understand that there is no Savior, who will emerge to save you, not through the political system. Try to understand how the political system is rigged against you. If you want something done, you must do it yourself, or submit to poverty and slavery:


Understand this also: America would not be in the clutches of Evil were it not for the great number of traitors and collaborators among the citizenry, working hand-in-glove with the enemy to undermine the nation from within.

The enemy has so dumbed-down the citizenry, through ts control of the Department of Education, that the majority of Americans have no idea what they are doing when they go to the polls. They move like robots to the polls, on cue, to pull a lever, or punch a button---egged on by the mass media and paid provocateurs, which the enemy owns and controls. The truth is never told to them. They think they have democracy, or a Republic, or whatever. Yet, none of these things exist.

The reality is this: the United States is a Corporation, owned by the City of London and the banks contained within this small enclave, located at the heart of the English capital. Its controlling arm in the U.S. is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), based in New York City. It gives the orders to Washington, and Washington complies. Your so-called representatives, in Congress and WH, have a simple task: implement the orders given to them by the CFR. That is all. Trump, for example, was ordered to turn over the whole of Jerusalem to the Israelis, which he did.

Now, Biden is doing what he is told to do. Under the guise of helping America's under-privileged, he will complete the destruction of the United States, He is deliberately antagonizing the White population, thereby pushing the country to the brink of Civil War. Civil wars are ugly; I have been in them and seen what they can do. Only bankers profit from civil wars. Everyone else loses. What is so sad about our dismal situation is this: it may take a civil war to wake up the population to what is happening to their country, and how they have been manipulated to destruction by a clever and cunning enemy.
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Lance Freeman

Council Member
Folks, if the information given in this video by Brother Nathanael does not make you retch while watching it, I don't know what in the world will. Everyone in America appears to be sleeping through the horrific changes being brought about by the sick administration of Joe Biden in Washington. Wake the hell up, people. That goes double for you, White man! Does the White Christian man in this country have any idea, any clue, as to where he is headed, and what is being prepared for him?

Brother Nathanael Channel - Regime Change 2021

The State of Texas is moving to secede from this awful Union. We wish them God-speed in this endeavor. Perhaps if they succeed, others will muster up the courage to follow.
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