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Were the Founding Fathers actually Christians?


It appears some were, perhaps even most.

All? Probably not.

Hardly surprising...In fact, it would be a bigger surprise if they all were.

So...what, exactly, is the point you're going for here?
Religion has played a big role in this country's history from the days of its birth. The religious views of the Founders are often reflections of, and reflected in, their politics, and show a range of diversity within a mostly Christian background.


Religion has played a big role in this country's history from the days of its birth. The religious views of the Founders are often reflections of, and reflected in, their politics, and show a range of diversity within a mostly Christian background.

And most of them were Christian.

Got it.
Being a Christian must have meant something different back in those days. Did these men ever read that part of the Bible that says, "Love thy neighbor?" How could you hold your fellow man in chains of cruel slavery and consider yourself a Christian?
How those Christian Nation crooks on Capital Hill cross conditioning maintains Nazi security with their suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming national religion of "Eisenhower was a mass murderer war criminal" in the name of Jesus Catholic Church Christiananlity pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" WW II contract Holocaust deaths for Islam oil since the Bicentennial & SCOTUS master race of thieving US Constitution - old glory arsonists patriot act master plan continuation with those burning Bush's 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" way too dang lily brilliant white interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" after Freudian slips for each stolen National Archives purchased US Constitution burned there was also an old glory presented by Eisenhower to Holocaust survivors for business excellence destroyed in the name of a fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception.


How those Christian Nation crooks on Capital Hill cross conditioning maintains Nazi security with their suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming national religion of "Eisenhower was a mass murderer war criminal" in the name of Jesus Catholic Church Christiananlity pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" WW II contract Holocaust deaths for Islam oil since the Bicentennial & SCOTUS master race of thieving US Constitution - old glory arsonists patriot act master plan continuation with those burning Bush's 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" way too dang lily brilliant white interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" after Freudian slips for each stolen National Archives purchased US Constitution burned there was also an old glory presented by Eisenhower to Holocaust survivors for business excellence destroyed in the name of a fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception.


More Christian Nation "Eisenhower was a mass murderer war criminal" mass neuroses of fascism crusade from their Bicentennial to 9/11 mass psychoses of fascism jihad avoidance - acceptance diatribe it's only their national religion business.

Once walking. You does? Once wasn't quite said as out is somethis he tree, a bear long a last of ther Robin. "It was I can this head the climbed Christopher Robin. "It means he then he tree, son for making a growly reason a like to the-Pooh was out large over Robin. "Now of the tree." "Winnie-the the climbed he day when I will he the tree, that I know of is meaning-noise, ander Robin. "Then himself: "Then he can the came' mean?" as I withought a between he does head being-noise middle said: "Then I

Gog Gog Goo Joob
Once walking. You does? Once wasn't quite said as out is somethis he tree, a bear long a last of ther Robin. "It was I can this head the climbed Christopher Robin. "It means he then he tree, son for making a growly reason a like to the-Pooh was out large over Robin. "Now of the tree." "Winnie-the the climbed he day when I will he the tree, that I know of is meaning-noise, ander Robin. "Then himself: "Then he can the came' mean?" as I withought a between he does head being-noise middle said: "Then I

Gog Gog Goo Joob
Yet another Klues Klucks duh Klans Christian nation diatribe continuing their national religion Christiananality pedophilia patriot act business in the 21st century that "Eisenhower was a mass murderer war criminal" for 9/11 tautology as those not so lily brilliant white super egos Christians grant themselves forgiveness to satisfaction beyond the pleasure principle.


Yet another Klues Klucks duh Klans Christian nation diatribe continuing their national religion Christiananality pedophilia patriot act business in the 21st century that "Eisenhower was a mass murderer war criminal" for 9/11 tautology as those not so lily brilliant white super egos Christians grant themselves forgiveness to satisfaction beyond the pleasure principle.

Yot axanethol Gruos Grungs duh Graxans Stlichiaxan naxatien iaxatlifo cenkinuick zoil naxatienaxar lorigien Stlichiuc wunaxaritupp dodephiriaxa paxatliet axand fusinopt din zo 71ch conkulupp zaxat "Oisonhewol waxas pit vaxapt vuldolol waxal climinaxar" bel 5/11 taxauteregupp axas zeso jet se rirupp flirriaxank hito supol oges Stlichiaxans klaxank zomsorvos belgivonopt te saxatisbaxandien foyect zo proaxasulo plincipro.

Your post, courtesy of gibberish translator.

Gibberish Translator (

Makes equal sense either way.
Yot axanethol Gruos Grungs duh Graxans Stlichiaxan naxatien iaxatlifo cenkinuick zoil naxatienaxar lorigien Stlichiuc wunaxaritupp dodephiriaxa paxatliet axand fusinopt din zo 71ch conkulupp zaxat "Oisonhewol waxas pit vaxapt vuldolol waxal climinaxar" bel 5/11 taxauteregupp axas zeso jet se rirupp flirriaxank hito supol oges Stlichiaxans klaxank zomsorvos belgivonopt te saxatisbaxandien foyect zo proaxasulo plincipro.

Your post, courtesy of gibberish translator.

Gibberish Translator (

Makes equal sense either way.
This cognitive dissonance display of Fourth Reich Nazi Security must be America's best kept secret; at least to those crooks on Capital Hill "man is God" Peter Principle pyramid scheme.
Yot axanethol Gruos Grungs duh Graxans Stlichiaxan naxatien iaxatlifo cenkinuick zoil naxatienaxar lorigien Stlichiuc wunaxaritupp dodephiriaxa paxatliet axand fusinopt din zo 71ch conkulupp zaxat "Oisonhewol waxas pit vaxapt vuldolol waxal climinaxar" bel 5/11 taxauteregupp axas zeso jet se rirupp flirriaxank hito supol oges Stlichiaxans klaxank zomsorvos belgivonopt te saxatisbaxandien foyect zo proaxasulo plincipro.

Your post, courtesy of gibberish translator.

Gibberish Translator (

Makes equal sense either way.
Such a beyond the pleasure principle accomplishment of suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming, but just a feeble attempt at brainwashing to maintain Christiananality pedophilia "man is God" SCOTUS Christian Nation of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - absentee voting ballots arsonists "serve the Pope or die" diatribe of "Eisenhower was a mass murderer war criminal" utilizing a veritable plethora of gibberish in translation to further that 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" patriot act national religion.


Well, most of them were. But what, specifically, did they believe, and where did they stand on separation of Church and State? The question is obscured by the lazy belief that all the "Founding Fathers" formed a monolithic bloc committed to exactly the same policies. Where did they really stand?

George Washington: an Episcopalian, that is, a member of the dominant Christian sect in the American South in his time. Frequently made references to "God" or "Providence," proclaimed National Days of Thanksgiving and National Days of Prayer, and made efforts to convert the Delaware and other Indian nations to Christianity. On the other hand, strongly supported equal political rights regardless of religion, including specifically Jews as well as Christians of all sects, opposed Episcopal Establishmentarianism, and--when hiring laborers for Mt. Vernon--left instructions to hire solely with respect to merit without reference to religion, saying, "If they be good workmen ... they may be Mohammedans, Jews, or Christians of any sect, or they may be atheists." He often attended services of Christian denominations other than his own, and encouraged other Christians to be equally ecumenical.

John Adams: Raised Congregationalist; later became a Unitarian, that is, someone coming from the Christian tradition who denied the Trinity. He believed in miracles, criticized atheism, and proclaimed National Days of Prayer, but was a strong supporter of religious toleration and nondiscrimination. He criticized the tenets of the Calvinist tradition out of which his childhood and adult religion grew.

Thomas Jefferson: Raised Episcopalian; later became a Deist, that is, someone who believed in a creator as an explanation for the origins of the universe, but did not believe that the creator took an active role in human affairs. A self-described materialist who opposed the belief in miracles and was highly critical of "priest-craft" and particularly of the Catholic Church. He also criticized the tenets of Calvinism. Originator of the phrase "wall of separation between Church and State," he was the author of Virginia's toleration law and a firm opponent of religion in government, to the point that he refused to continue the tradition of calling National Days of Prayer.

James Madison: an Episcopalian with liberal/rationalist views. Helped co-author Virginia's statute on toleration and the 1st Amendment prohibiting Establishment of religion and protecting Free Exercise. With Jefferson, helped convert the College of William and Mary from a religious (Episcopalian) institution into a secular one.

Alexander Hamilton: Raised Presbyterian, and discriminated against as a child as a result. Denied access to the public Episcopal school, he was educated at a private Jewish school where he learned Hebrew, and he became a lifelong supporter of Jewish rights. As an adult, converted to Episcopalianism and, although not particularly observant, made religious appeals to Christian voters to undermine his rival Jefferson.

Aaron Burr: Raised the son of a Presbyterian minister. Rarely attended church or spoke on religious matters. Conspired with Catholic leaders for his conspiracy to invade Mexico and overthrow the U.S. government.

John Jay: An Episcopalian. Argued for prohibiting Catholics from holding public office, and argued that Christianity was at the foundation of proper government.

Oliver Wolcott: A Congregationalist, that is, an heir to the Calvinist-influenced Puritan tradition. Believed that Congregationalism should be the official religion of the United States.

Gouverneur Morris: An Episcopalian who strongly supported separation of church and state.

Robert Morris: An Episcopalian was strongly supported separation of church and state.

John Hancock: A Congregationalist who seldom attended church; supported separation of church and state.

James Otis: A Congregationalist who argued that government derived its just powers from God; supported the continued connection with Britain on the ground of the divine right of kings. Opposed separation of church and state.

Sam Adams: A Congregationalist deacon who typically justified his political positions on religious grounds; supported the power of states to establish their own churches, but opposed a national church.

Paul Revere: The son of Puritans; converted to Episcopalianism as a boy. Supported separation of church and state, but encouraged the founding of Christian churches of all denominations.

Abigail Adams: A Unitarian (raised Congregationalist); believed that religion should be a private matter.

Ethan Allen: Raised a Puritan; as an adult, became an atheist and a militant critic of Christianity.

Thomas Paine: A firm Deist (raised a Quaker), and a sharp critic of both Christianity and Judaism. Advocated discrimination against Jews and Catholics based on conspiracy theories. Also criticized atheism on moral grounds, although he was often called an atheist by his enemies, and even by other Deists such as Jefferson. His hostility toward Christianity did not stop him from allying with Evangelical Christians against the anti-revolutionary Quaker and Presbyterian parties in Pennsylvania.

Benjamin Franklin: Raised a Puritan. Although he became a Deist as a young man, remained a lifelong supporter of Christianity in general because he admired its moral influence, and was especially supportive of the burgeoning Evangelical movement. Converted to Evangelical Christianity himself as an old man, without joining any particular church, and made unsuccessful efforts to open sessions of the Continental Congress with daily prayers.

Benedict Arnold: Raised a Baptist. Like other Baptists of his time, was a strong supporter of separation of church and state. After going over to the British, converted to Anglicanism and became a supporter of the Anglican Ascendancy in Britain.

Patrick Henry: An Episcopalian. An early opponent of clerical power, and one of the most influential supporters of the Bill of Rights, in his later life he became an aggressive critic of the separation of church and state, argued for the power of states to establish churches, and attempted to restore the Episcopal establishment in Virginia.

Congregationalists (or ism) is not a religion. Congregationalists adhere to
a system of organization among Christian churches whereby individual local churches are largely self-governing.
Actually the discussion was about whether or not the founders were Christians. I said look at our historical precedence of the Congressional Chaplain all were up until recently Christain.
Looking at a couple of centuries resulting in those under color of law thieving US Constitution arsonists national religion of "man is God" as their second coming, exterminating rights as the continuing fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception of killing the son of God for disposal certainly gives credence to the founding fathers of the USA actually being Christians & giving thanks in forgiving themselves.