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The Matrix and the Lab Rats---

Lance Freeman

Council Member
The following is excerpted from a speech that Henry Kissinger gave to the World Health Organization Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:

"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it is Game Over. They will accept anything, even forcible blood or organ donation--For the Greater Good. We can genetically modify children and sterilize them--For the Greater Good. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. it is a big Win-Win. We thin out the herd, and the herd pays us for extermination services."

These zonked-out Zombies (Black, White, Hispanic, or whatever), who call themselves Americans, needs to wake up to the fact that they are nothing but 'lab rats' in an elite prison system that keeps them weak and easy to control. If you are a White person, or a Black person, or an Hispanic, you are being directed by the propaganda machine to believe that other groups are responsible for your troubles, and that you suffer economically because another race, or another group, has taken what is rightfully yours. This elite 'divide and conquer' strategy serves to separate the Gentile population of America into warring camps that can never get together, or act in concert, on issues of import. [The population is further divided by the false Left Wing-Right Wing paradigm, which is controlled by the same Propaganda Matrix]. These are the main reasons why the country is going to hell in a hand-basket; headed into oblivion and civil war.

Who are the real beneficiaries of this system, you may ask? Well, it is those who control the channels of information that feed the American people, who also control the Propaganda Matrix. At the apex of this propaganda pyramid sit some powerful Jews, who also control the levers of power within Freemasonry. Below them sit some Gentile families who also benefit from this system. They make up the 'Committee of 300' influential families, who assist the ruling hierarchy in carrying out the Freemasonic agenda. Families like the Bushes, Camerons, Krupps, Agnellis, and Romanovs belong to this group.

The 'Committee of 300' families provide the bulk of leadership to be found at the helm of Gentile nations. Not too long ago, the British had a Cameron at the helm of their government, and of course, we have had our fair share of rotten Bushes in the White House.

Quite often, these families place stooges in positions of power; stooges like Barack Obama and his trans-sexual wife, Michael/Michelle, and White-hater, Valerie Jarrett, who can all be counted upon to fuel the Black-White divide and contribute to the Globalist plan to cripple/destroy the United States as a bastion of liberty and independence. Today, we have Zionist stooge, Joe Biden, who will go down in history as a traitor, mass murderer and child molester. When the truth about the dangerous Covid vaccines comes out about how they were used to, not only kill people, but to make fantastic amounts of money for corporations, there will be hell to pay.

Our Black citizens, at least those who have a loyalty to this country, need to be wary of those 'hate mongers' who operate within the Black Communities, living off resentment, and fueling their hatred towards White People. A cursory examination of these false Black leaders will quickly show that provocateurs like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Louis Farrakhan all belong to Freemasonry, and serve the Globalist elite. The welfare and future of America's Black citizens are the farthest things from their minds. The only thing on their minds is how well they do for themselves, without having to break a sweat, and the perks that go with being viewed as leaders of the community.

Al Sharpton was not given his own show on MSNBC because he is bursting with talent; he is being rewarded for services rendered to the Zionists and Globalists. Compare him to another Black leader, who could not be bought in such fashion: Martin Luther King. This gifted leader and orator, who loved his country, would not kowtow to the Globalists, so he was whacked, just as JFK was whacked when he threatened to force Israel to open its nuclear facilities to inspection.

The components of the Propaganda Matrix not only comprise the popular news outlets (TV, radio, newsprint), Hollywood, and the entertainment industry, but take in a whole slew of 'Judas Goats', who pose as patriots on radio and television. Among the 'Judas Kings', who make millions of dollars every year by pretending to be 'champions of the people' are such personalities as Rush Limbaugh (now deceased), Sean Hannity, Eric Erickson, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and Bill O'Reilly. All of these guys are 'Neo-conservatives'; i.e. are strong supporters of Israel, and promote the Zionist world-view. The Matrix would not be as effective without their daily contribution to the ignorance and confusion of the broad mass. They represent a key element in the campaign to keep the American people bottled up inside the phony 2-party system. The following video is a rare compilation and is well worth watching. Pay special attention to what Joe Biden is saying and ask yourselves if this is the type of national leader you want:

Rabbi Proudly Proclaims Jewish Supremacists Are Behind The Destruction of America

Lance Freeman

Council Member
I do not know just how many of these videos I have to post before the message sinks into people. I do not normally see videos like this on a religious website. But this nurse confirms that the Covid vaccine is indeed a time-release crippler; the effects do not show up for months in some cases, fooling recipients into thinking there is nothing wrong with the vaccine. In other cases, the negative effects are almost immediate. But in all cases, there is either death or injury. That is why I advise over-confident people, who have taken the vaccine, to wait a while before jumping to a conclusion.

Nurse reports that the “Covid-19 vaccine” is injuring people!